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Access to Clean and Sustainable Energy

Solar Electrification and Infrastructre Development program

Deenbandhu Clean Energy Intiatives

Uninterrupted Energy Source to Unreached lives

Solar energy is derived from the sun’s radiation. solar energy has become a trending renewable energy source. Nowadays solar energy is affordable and efficient to reach the minimum energy needs of the remote villages or tribal areas in the Gadag district. And now turning into a very efficient source of clean energy.

Deenbandhu working with local government initiatives to deliver technical and implementing support in implementing solar projects in the Gadag district of Karnataka. The solar project is completed by providing solar lighting to the selected village by the district administration that has no access to grid electricity.

Installation of solar lights: With the help of the available technology and affordable products which matches the demand of household energy needs during dark hours.

 Deenbandhu focuses to create awareness and full utilization of clean energy resources over non-renewable source. Also helping environments from pollution to produce the electricity from coal. Our utmost importance to connect the villages to clean energy access and live a sustainable socio-economic life by contributing GREEN WORLD.

install solar lamps and it exposed us to different lifestyles and ways of living.

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